Hit the proverbial wall....

Sorry to hear your having so many troubles, my stimulator leads are at T7 so quite high although my fusion was L4 L5 S1 and i have just last July had the stimulator/ battery replaced as charging the unit for 4 hours would give me 10 minutes of use the unit was 13 years old so just worn out, no new leads though, the current therapy here is for what they call no feel (just below the threshold of feeling the stimulation) but i also asked for a couple of my old programs to be reinstalled in the new stimulator.
1 lets me change the level of stimulation to where i can feel it like a small electric current running through
my back.
2 lets me sort of steer it around my back by increasing stimulation over 1 section of my back compared to
2 or 3 other points, buy having adjustment of 4 sections say mid back, left back, right back, and high
mid back
This is done by the leads having 4 poles prior to the final tip of the lead so effectively i have a ground lead and a positive lead but it can use any of the terminal points on the leads as the + or - pole.
I don't know which brand you have but mine is a Boston Scientific.
I know that on the no feel program i can get approx. a week out of a charge, but on the feel setting (usually because i have been doing things that are too much for me) it can go down to as little as 3 days before needing a recharge, my trial one actually moved on me after the 4th day and had my right leg constantly shaking, but that was agin me doing silly things with the trial stimulator insitu