"Brake Failure" (luckily still on jack stands)
That reminds me of an incident back in the 1970's when the California Highway Patrol was performing random roadside inspections. I was driving a '63 Pontiac Grand Prix and got into the left turn lane to avoid the inspection ahead. The light was red and the brake pedal went all the way to the floor as the vehicle slowly began to come to a stop, but it only slowed down, did not have time (or enough braking efficiency) to make a complete stop at the light. So I made a U-turn, using the left turn lane at the signal, but against the red light because it hadn't changed yet. Lucky no traffic at the time.
The CHP never caught on to my "escape". I found that the reason the brake pedal kept getting closer and closer to the floor, as time went on, was because the brake shoes (four-drum system) were out of adjustment.