Stop in for a cup of coffee

That’s why I question the whole global warming thing. Sure, the planet has warmed over the last several decades, but we have no data passed the mid 1800s to say for sure what effect it will have or if it’s happened before. Even the studies I’ve read on BOTH sides of the issue say that ice core samples dating back tens of thousands of years have conflicting data and results. I’m not saying it doesn’t exist, I’m not saying humans have contributed, but I’m also not saying we have and that it is not a natural cycle
The days after 9/11 the global average temperature rose 3 degrees. A significant change.
There are monitoring stations that measure evaporation rates all over the planet,basically testing the power of the sun. Those theorists referred to the pollution as global dimming. Cleaner air means more solar radiation. Clear skies dont necessarily mean warmer temps.
Less cloud, less heat retained. Lets see what summer has to offer.