B1 heads...6bbl

I got nothing against the French, but then again, I would probably vote for a separation wall. I would be fine with sending my tax dollars towards the west. We have all that we need right here in the West. Well except for year-round fresh fruit for everybody.

nothing against them but its Not a french Country, Its Called Canada and as they say when in Rome...

Tell the motherland French that if they don’t like the butchering of the language, they should have held on to you. Then say, “Suck it up buttercup or go home.”

There is so much you can suck up..after a while you start gagging....

I had a bunch of instructors from bum Bartier come down to help school is on the new equipment that we use from them. They were the very cool people. Excellent sense humor with a real zest for life. I miss those guys they were super cool.

I was taught that no matter what you do or how yu do it, if someone “GETS WHAT THEY WANT THATS WHAT COUNTS” and they got what they wanted, Human nature.