Are there problem areas on the 67-68 Barracudas

Areas that hide are.
1.feel down the fender well under the hood on the inside of the upper control arm area. If there is rust there that will take expensive repairs

2. Look up under the dash at the cowl area very close for little rust hole where the vent and heater box attach on both sides to the lower cowl and firewall'
3. Inspect the trans/torsion bar cross member and the rear rails . Squeeze them and knock on them.

My friend on this site bought that green 340 Duster. He brought it here for inspection on the lift after purchase. The seller cleaned the rails real good and put gorilla tape over the rust holes. Then he undercoated it and drove it in down a dirt road .

The car looked solid and you really had to look to see it. feeling the rail is how it was found. after tearing the tape off we found the car was rotted at several places and hidden. Maybe he'll chime in with pics. I won't post any pics of another members car for several reasons.

Rust is your worst enemy on these cars and AMD is not carrying sheet metal for them anymore. I just bought the last quarters 3 months ago for dusters and barracudas. Things changed since Biden got in no more carbon fuel cars?????? Why make parts.

Well Joe Biden can go suck a dick for all I care. Wait, hold on, nevermind, that's the "vice president". But I digress, I pray that he succeeds in doing the right thing for the country, but I fear he wont. If and when that all fails, maybe more people will have a moment of clarity. Or since the supreme court actually delayed the arguments for complaints for several states election fraud till after the election was over stating transition of power, blah, blah, blah so they could hear them. I believe it was Michigan, Arizona, and Pennsylvania that's on the docket for March 2021. They did not dismiss them. It still ain't over folks.

But back to the original thread to help this guy out before this gets bounced, or sent to the N&P forum.