Opioids....the nightmare continues...

Good luck with that !
I went through opiate addiction myself.
With some help from the "law", support groups which I still attend (voluntarily) & 6 years on methadone before I got the courage to slowly withdrawal off of that for 2 years. I have had no cravings. That was always the hardest part for me, I had a $300
A day habit on oxycontin which was about 5 80mg pills I used to snort them 2 at a time, then started smoking them. Eventually when the company's messed with the formula I changed to ******, crack, meth. Wound up a street scumbag. I was lucky to get arrested as many times as I did, back then Seattle would put people in jail for drugs. I got drug court to get rid of a felony & took the opportunity to really change my life. I sit here now a home owner, married, clean & sober & grateful for everything.
I can't give any advice but don't beat yourself up, be hopeful & WIN !

Pretty courageous story man. Glad you're still with us.