1958-1962 Dual Four Oval Air cleaners.

FOR SALE - Mopar Air Cleaners. Inline Dual 4bbl. Long & Short Ram. 58-64 Cars.

Well, you found that picture on the internet.
Can't fault you at all for doing it that way.
Once it's out there on the internet, it's there forever.
No objection, in you keeping it in your ad.
You didn't know where it originated from.
I figure you saw my ad on one of the numerous Mopar sites that i follow, and advertise on.
Then i figured you didn't like my price, for a nice pair, of them, complete with air filter elements, and didn't want to pay the price, as your looking for cheap ones, if you think those can be found for cheap, even in beat up, rusty, condition.

I know you didn't think how expensive they are to purchase, with new air filter elements, too.

And, yes, they are used on the Poly 318 dual 4bbl engine, as my description states.

In a way, your helping me sell them, by using my picture, even if they are out of your price range.
Giving me more exposure, for somebody that might be interested.

I haven't refreshed, renewed, lots of my previous for sale ads, as i knew i was going in for heart surgery this past Nov. 30th, and didn't know how recovery was going to be.
And didn't have the motivation, desire, attitude, in keeping up with for sale ads.
I'm, slowly now getting a better attitude back.