No person should ever be judged by the color of their skin, their ethnic ancestry or any other physiological traits. They should be judged on their own actions, not the actions of someone else.
I have American Indian ancestry on both sides of the family, I don’t claim it cause it’s 3 generations back and makes no impact whatsoever on my life. It doesn’t change who I am.
however, back to the topic, we should never forget the heinous actions of mankind in the past, and we must not forget those actions and the key figures from both sides that helped to ultimately end the worst of those actions.
however, to dwell on such issues and to only discuss one side and furthermore, to have months, events and the like dedicated to simply one race, color or creed of people is actually a divisive tactic, especially these days. There should be no white history month or black history month or Native American history month, should just be American history month. There should be no white expo, no black expo, no Asian expo etc. how about just an American expo?
Either we all want to be the same and equal in the eyes of the country or we don’t. Can’t say don’t judge us on this or that and then flaunt it and have all this other stuff.
Rant over