Colour decision time

Careful with "HIP" green colors.

Most DO NOT go well with an F6 interior.

Google and you will find some.

They sold gold and yellow cars with green interiors, but I don't care for that either.

I vote white.

1- it's the original color
2- it's a neutral color (if resale is important)
3- it goes with the interior
4- it mitigates the green (assuming you don't like it)
5- it's easier to change the "personality" of the car by changing the interior color than changing the paint and the interior.

I further mitigated my F6 interior (in a white car) by installing white seat covers and upper door panels.
It's not factory, but it looks like it could have been.
If I want, I can now go either all white or black and white.

I agree either white or F3/4/7/8 are really the only choices.

There is a kia soul (Seoul?) green that I think would look good with an F6 interior. It's got a little more "pop" than the OEM greens, but similar to the Duster above (which, BTW is beautiful).