Speedmaster magnum inspection w/Justin

New intake flow numbers @28 w/ 1.94 valve.
Pinch is as big as .872... but i did some clay placement testing and found the pinch , while opening it helped to a point..itself wasn't a hindering factor... i made it smaller at one point at the floor and picked up a lot of stability and gain in mid/high lift flow. Its equalizing and transitioning the air speed.
Regardless...this is more where i wanna be with what im using them for=my 96 4x4 There is one thing ill change to the others and i believe that will have them in the 260 range just after .500 . Keep 8n mind this is a diff port than the one touching 260 already. I might bring the chamber back at the short turn a little more but I think at this point what I'm doing with them they're pretty stout.
I'll get a chamber volume stock and modified and start posting all that little bits of stuff up. I might just start another thread where I just throw it all in the first post and make it really easy to read.
Thanks to those following this..

Good lookin numbers, tosser. lol