73 Swinger Power Steering Header Nightmare!

Do you know how easy it is to drop the column out of that car?
There are three small nuts at the cradle, 2 screws at the floorplate and a pin in the coupler. Plus two wire couplers. and a quick-pin/cotter-pin if column-shifted I think 10 minutes should cover it.
Pull the starter as well.
If the steering goes thru the header, drop it outta there too.
Now you got lots of room.

Install the header,then
fit the steering, then
fit the column back in, then
fit the starter last.

Solve your problems as you go.
Be prepared to pull the header a couple of times for massaging. Start early in the morning and quit when you get frustrated. Then come back the next day.
Unless you have a buddy helping, then take a break and trade jokes for a while.