X-Head Porting....

My sincere apologies if you are offended. I realize that of course.

Those type of ‘doctors’ offered one friend open heart surgery, another had his ankle cartilage rebuilt with his knee cartilage-just so they can be the first to do it. We received multiple letters that our children were in safe hands (under their care) after they lost a child (lord knows why). Those three events locked-in my distrust.

I paid extreme close attention during the root canal prep-multiple times I was handed off to a doctor that had never completed a particular procedure-with the others coming, about every 40 minutes, checking on their junior partner. “That looks good.” You can park a cockroach between my gold cap and the next tooth.

The one fairly competent doctor, clamped my jaw so hard I could feel my heart beat pounding everywhere. It felt like shaking in my head. The swelling didn’t go down for weeks.

I firmly believe that if you were very angry with me, that you would do a better job!

Anyways I love your thread and your port work is very encouraging-thanks very much.

All of your questions are shared by other enthusiasts and I greatly appreciate your efforts-thank you.

Oh no, not offended at all. Dentists like every other profession has to get practice and lots of it before you're good. Kind of like porting heads, the first couple aren't so good, but the more you do it the better feel for it you get and the better your results end up being.

Also sorry about your negative experiences, hopefully you don't take those experiences with you to all your Doctors because it would stink to be dismissive to the bad Dr's who care about people's well being.

Thanks for the compliment on my "porting" I still have a long way to go thats for sure, but its fun learning new things even if I suck at it haha.