Stop in for a cup of coffee

Oh man that ain’t right, I got peanut butter toast.
thats what I had for lunch yesterday, or was that brunch.. have a good day

The outfit I worked for when I was an apprentice, concrete paving was their thing. At the time, they were the first paving crew to pave 1 mile 48 feet wide in 8 hours. That's about 9500 cu yds of concrete. I never got to play with the paving machine except to help put it together a couple of times. But I sent them 1600 yards of concrete per day on the paving project I did with them, that was the little paving plant and on a widening job.
oh man, I can relate, that is a bunch of road in 8 hours. Have a gem of a day

All caught up! Back to work. 4 more hours left. Then back to my shop for 4 days. Parts store computer is getting easier to cipher..
alright , you are on the home stretch, enjoy your 4 days TJ