If your car could talk

My car would tell the story of how during "Senior Week" in Wildwood NJ summer of 1989. My good friend Bill (now a lead engineer at the US patent office) and I decided it would be a good idea around 2 or 3 am to take my 1969 Camaro up on the boardwalk for a drive. We had been talking all week how we had never heard of anyone driving up on the boardwalk and how great it would be to do it. What could go wrong!

So up on the Wildwood boardwalk we went. Well, there are only a few streets that have car access to get on and off of the boardwalk and after driving up there for a bit and NOT finding a exit ramp, PANIC started to set in.
Bill was crapping himself because he was set to go to Penn State of a full ride and thought for sure he was losing that!
We finally found the exit and quickly took the car back to our rented (for the week) apartment.

We walked back up to the boardwalk and found hundreds of people out, including the police wondering what had happened.
The people we talked to said it sounded like an earthquake. Some said it sound like a million skateboards running down the boardwalk.
I guess driving 50 mph across those boardwalk boards makes a hell of a racket!

We walked our route the next day and sure enough, I did miss an exit ramp street and was up there longer than I anticipated.

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Great minds think alike. (Or at least similarly.) Somewhere in the mid 80's a few of us were staying in Wildwood. We found an early 50's Dodge sitting on the street (3 am) with the keys in it. We drove it onto the boardwalk (never any cars allowed, for those unfamiliar), turned around and parked it in the same spot, only facing the other direction. We always wondered if the owner wondered why it was turned around. "Hijack done."