Stop in for a drink.

It’s been a busy few weeks. I just finished helping one of my clients complete a $138 million IPO and I am nearly done with helping my primary customer get an $8 million fund raising placement...probably another week or two to close that deal.

I also got my 3rd client’s drug product rescheduled by DEA to being non-controlled (those DEA guys don’t like drugs falling outside their jurisdiction and fought me for 2 years). This completely changes their pathway to bringing their drug product to market and saves them millions in development expenses.

What do I get for all of that? Paid...and paid well!

Time for a few beers and celebrate the week’s accomplishments...

Glad you get paid good David I have no Idea what all you do but I'm simple and born broke and a happy man and drink cheap but live life with good friends rich or poor and thank you for putting up with me. 20190729_181557.jpgYour handy work is still on the old truck thanks to you and other good friends.