Stop in for a cup of coffee
We went to first gun show yesterday in what feels like two years. Prices were mostly ridiculous. Powder was going for 100 dollars a pound, did not matter which vendor. And primers were everywhere from 250-350 per brick, in perspective a brick is typically 35 bucks. ARs were all around 1500-2000 for what is typically a 600 dollar rifle. Oddly enough the higher quality stuff was not as inflated. The rifles I went to find were a bit high but not so much as there just is not much market for 1800s rifles. I found a vintage 1866 in 45-70 that jumped into my arms and came home with me. A couple of us are starting a “buckhorn” only sight long distance rifle league. Rifle can be no newer than 1880. Think Creedmoore event in 1874 when the US dropped the hammer on the world and earned world champion title. Totally pissing off the British who after getting whipped continuously by US team would not allow US to compete in events on British soil. They did however allow the US to coach the Irish figuring it would not look as bad for them that way. Hah, yep you guessed it, the Irish then went on to whip the British in their own back yard! All of this springing from the arrogance of the British position that a breech loaded rifle simply could not be as accurate as a barrel loaded rifle. Enter Sharps and American ingenuity, the rest as they say is history.