Covid 19 What ligering side effects are you having.

I don't believe that's exactly correct. I could be wrong, but, my understanding is that many vaccines (many of which you are already inoculated with - MMR, Polio, etc.) were developed using cells from fetal tissue dating back to the 70's. Those cells were replicated over thousands of generations in a lab and are still being used to produce vaccines ranging from MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) to rabies, and even drugs to treat arthritis and cystic fibrosis. The vaccines themselves don't contain the actual cells - if that matters. The Covid vaccines are no different.

That's my understanding anyway. I'd bet @Ddaddy knows more since I believe he works in the Pharmaceutical industry.
You are correct. While the cells used were first discovered in fetal tissue several decades ago, the cell lines that have been developed since are not those cells, but rather new cells grown for the purpose of using in medical science. In many cases, they are entirely new cells manipulated to become that cell type.

All of the Covid vaccines have used the cells lines discovered from fetal tissue during their development. The J&J vacinnes is only a bit different because it uses one of those cell lines directly in the production of the vaccine because it is a “killed virus” type that requires these cells to make it work.

None of the vaccines contain actual fetal tissue nor are fetal tissues harvested and used to create them.

False perspective spread by people who don’t understand the science of Medicine and grab a detail that they don’t understand and proclaim it to be truth is far worse than the evil they believe they are proclaiming. Righteous ignorance is still just ignorance...and has been used by the perverse to spread dangerous misinformation only to suit their own agenda.

Science is not evil...intentional misinformation about science is. Science is trying to save lives, misinformation by a few is trying to keep it from protect their own power.