Covid 19 What ligering side effects are you having.

Don’t know if I had it or not-nor do I know if I had the flu. The effects of it are definitely evident-fear has surely got control of a lot of people and masks of all kinds have flown off of the shelves. These effects will certainly be long lived both mentally and monetary alike. I have lived my life as close to normally as I possibly could given the fear in other people has been astronomical! Have I stayed in a burrow with a mask on? Absolutely not nor will I! I will continue to be free but should you decide to live in fear-go for it! When one of my friends died of “covid” I was amazed that they would test a person that they pulled from a burning truck. But of course it wasn’t obvious how he died.
Protecting one’s self by using a mask as a precaution and limiting close contact with others is not “living in a burrow”. It’s common sense and a minimal burden to help constrain a virus that can (and has) killed hundreds of thousands. It also protects others from you (unless you only care about yourself, then nevermind).

I fail to understand what the resistance is to fighting a virus by protecting ourselves and others. Wearing masks is a big way to slow it down. Less transmission means fewer infected.

It’s a single cell bug that doesn’t care about anything but replicating. Why do we find it so hard to accept that...and fight it?? Keep it from getting to its next host by impeding it’s path. Masks do that.

This isn’t about some misplaced fear like it’s a choice, it’s a cold harsh reality. The bug wants only to replicate...and it doesn’t care if it kills you doing it. Do you think that denying it changes that reality?

Guess again.