Switched power source for fuel pump install

There is only one ignition "run" source and it comes from the key. It appears in the engine bay comes out of the bulkhead connector and splits off to run the ballast resistor, alternator field, voltage regulator, electric choke if used, and smog doo-dads on some cars

IT IS NOT FUSED and should NOT be used other than to trigger a relay. So fuse the relay source, and consider getting yourself a "rollover switch." There are several available came off factory cars. You can also tie it into an oil pressure switch if you get "tricky."

I'm not trying to make fun, not at all. but some guys seem to have a confused idea about magic sources in the wiring
This is all that comes from the key/ ignition switch:

ACCESSORY: This is hot in either "run" or "accessory"
IGNITION RUN This is hot ONLY in "run" and goes dead in "start" and of course "accessory"
START: This is normally yellow, goes out through the bulkhead and fires the start relay
BYPASS: This is also called "IGN2" and is hot only in start. Normally brown, it feeds power to the coil during cranking

NONE OF THESE is fuse protected