CB Radio Suggestions?

Whatever you do, don't get into ham radio. What a colossal waste of time! It's a toilet of FCC mismanagement. And if you do become a ham, and if you become aware of how the Commission is illegally and incompetently administering the radio service, and if you mention it on the air, you will soon receive a letter from the FCC accusing you of "intentional interference" (i.e., jamming! just because you criticized the Commission!) and requiring you to go to Washington, D.C. to obtain the renewal of your license. That's where the Commission has its kangaroo court, where they rip off your license without listening to anything you say in your own defense. They just want to shut up anyone who criticizes them. And the Commission will proudly proclaim that they are not subject to the Constitution, and don't need to respect the First Amendment.

You don't need a ham radio license, let alone needing one badly enough to have the FCC telling you what you can discuss on the air. They've got all the ham operator pantywaists so scared about losing their license that most hams actually agree with the Commission that they have no free-speech rights! As a result, the extent of your free speech on ham radio is limited by peer pressure, rather than governed by the Constitution.

But maybe you want to live the full "George Carlin experience". Maybe you want to have a really personal experience, wherein you obtain intimate knowledge about how you really have no rights. Maybe you want to discover that your so-called Constitutional rights are really just a "cute sentiment", but not real because the federal government can take them away whenever it wants. In that case, then by all means get your ham license.