Stop in for a cup of coffee

Only issue to me is it easy to cut a chain.
Only trying stop the random crack addict lookin for a quick fix.
Anyone who has cased the target and has a plan is going to have shifted the odds.
Slow 'em down as time is not on their side.
The airfield ones also double as a ground that is why they are along with a copper ground rod. They were a PIA once a year we had to go meggar ohm them all and there are freaking hundres of them usually.
That could work the other way. As long as Zman remembers to turn the power off before unlocking the chain. :eek:

Lemme know if you need it picked up. South, West & SW. If its N or NE its prob easier for OMR to pick up.
Personally I don't see what that gets that an scope wouldn't do.