stuff you're doing while at home
this week i've been slowly clearing out my garage, some stuff went over the road to my new garage and some went to the tip. i've moved my work bench and some or the shelving to make working around the ramp easier too. ashley was here today again and we moved a couple of v8 engines and other stuff over the road and cleared out the 'end extension' on my garage so we could move my compressor there out of the main work area. it's very quiet compared to modern ones (it's a belt drive v twin ingersoll rand from the 50's) but quieter out there anyway. last job before he left was to push my valiant into the garage using my c-max and a solid towbar i made just for the job. i can finally start on it this week and although my ceiling height means it's only 4 feet off the ground that's way better than chassis stands, a trolley jack and a crawler board.