Debating on A Body or B Body for first car

First off welcome to the site! Glad to have you! I
My addiction started when I was your about your age. Mine started with anything motorized when i was probably 4 or 5, Lawn mowers, go carts, dirt bikes, atvs ,etc by the time i was 12 or 13 my interest kinda started moving towards cars. The best advice I can give is don't try to pick the car let the car pick you. You will know when its the right one. It will just happen out of no where when you least expect it. Rarely have I ever found a great deal or the car of my dreams while looking for it. It always seems to happen when your not looking. You drive down a backstreet and there it is setting in the backyard. Or in my case you go to buy a spare block and the guy just happens to have two ebodys for sale lol. Good luck and feel free to ask anything. And 13 is a great age enjoy it !