Arrogant Doctors

Did you ask him why he was so late? Were you mad at him or are you just mad at us here because he was late? Maybe he had a emergency. Next time it might be you that needs the help and someone else will be inconvenienced. If he started out a hour and a half behind schedule you can damn well bet he isn't having a good day and probably didn't do it on purpose just to piss you off.

I agree there are times but at 8AM??? If there were to be a "reason" then the staff should speak with the patient and explain the circumstances. They owe that.
One time I had an appointment a ENT specialist group at 9:AM. It was the day after the superbowl. I sat for 45 minutes. They got me and brought me for an unscheduled hearing test. Took about 20 minutes. Then they brought me back to the waiting room for another 30 minutes watching patients come and go. They then walked me to an exam room where I sat again. I could hear the doctor chit chatting in the next exam room for 10 minutes. While this was going on some of the staff were at the front desk laughing it up over some BS. It's now like 10:45. I walked out and made a scene in the packed waiting room letting everyone know. Never went back. Left a review with all the details for everyone to see. The office contacted me but told them there was nothing they could do to fix.
Doctors get ratings. About all you can do.