Looking for Mechanic to Rebuild 273 in SoCal

16 hours to R&R?? Last time I had the 273 out of my old '66 Barracuda I think it was out in 1.5 hrs. Granted I was still in my 20s at that time. We had the 340/727 and suspension out of the GTS in about 4 hours a couple of years ago. Shoot, I think the R&R on the 5.9 in my Durango was about 6 hours (I've done it twice for different reasons).

And, $11k for a stock rebuild???

maybe that’s a bad guess. I’m thinking an estimate and may come down. Or be prepared to extra labor for things you run into. You WILL run into something. You’re going to touch something and it’s going to just come apart.

And I’m thinking long block. So R&R person has to transfer peripherals to long block. And there will be repairs and maintenance to peripherals. Like new motor mounts, water pump, fuel pump, fuel filter, carb rebuild, hoses, etc. Then you’ve got tuning and adjustments.