A body book?

My son and I were discussing our Duster restorations after watching the latest GYC episode the other night, and he was lamenting the fact that Mark seems to mainly concentrate on E and B body cars, but very few A bodies (by his own explanation, they aren't worth restoring due to resale value) and had mentioned he has looked high and low for a really good A-body book with all the facts and info about them as well as the tricks and tips that pertain to the A body cars and not just Mopars in general. I've looked as well and can't seem to find much unless it covers all the models...which means less coverage of the A's. So, can anyone recommend a book like that they have personally read and highly recommend? Thanks!

Not sure about a book but A bodies will be coming into their own IMO. I have always liked smaller cars for over all power to weight ratio and handling . That's with anything. yeah B bodies look good but they are too big to be sliding around corners IMO. Watch Dirty Mary Crazy Larry or Bullitt...the Chargers in both movies acquire dents in the first high speed corner maneuver...:)