Who has kids/grand kids with ADHD?

Not sure how old they are, but they say if you double their age, it’s pretty close to their attention span. I have a 6 year old son and 12 minutes is about right!! If you look back in time, boys were educated until they were able to learn a trade and do useful work. So, around eighth grade, the boys started learning their dad or other relative’s trade. That changed probably in the late 30’s or 40’s.

Boys were never designed to sit still in a classroom for hours on end. We get bored! We’re workers and want to get things done. Unfortunately, today’s society says to medicate them to calm them down, which it does, but it also kills their spirit. What they need is more breaks for the reasons I listed above. They need to burn off their pent-up energy. I would guess my son would act in a similar manner if he was in an “institutionalized” school system. When he gets cranky, he goes outside and runs around or rides his bike-not an option in the public school system.

We decided to home school our kids and it’s the best decision we’ve ever made. We take breaks as needed and it works great. We don’t take snow days off-we take the nice days off!!