So anyone that has spilled DOT 3(me included) is a slob? Gimme a break...water soluble....dunno bout that either but I can sure as **** tell you the f**kin stuff peels paint. THAT right there is enough to swap over if you are so inclined.
Somebody's grumpy cuz his points are moot? Vented? You show me, you learn me.
Well, I'm not really arguing anything, really. Just giving an opinion. That's still allowed, as of now. There's no NEED for DOT5 in our cars. That cannot be argued. All they NEED is DOT3.

I'm not a slob, so I don't get brake fluid everywhere and if an accident does happen, it's water soluble, so it hoses right off.

Never made any comments about getting DOT3 and 5 mixed. Only that DOT5 does not absorb moisture AND that there is always "some moisture" in the system. Those points are true.

So, what is your argument?