Who has kids/grand kids with ADHD?

my son was born with a small chromasome deletion, one of the #10 pair is missing a few digets outta the middle of it, only human ever seen missing out the middle, every other one known missing from end or hole chromsome, not that any dr has yet to tell us what effects this might have! this has caused some learning disorders and he's been in special ed class's all his life even tho he is no wheres effected as much as the other kids in this class! his mother and teachers couldnt wait till he reached 5 years of age to get a dr to label him adhd witch thay did! he is 17 now and labeled intellectually disabled, school gets money, ex gets disability check, and he hangs out with me 28 days outta 30! he quit the adhd meds when the riddlin made his blood pressure go way up 2 years ago and he is way more focused now, still a short attention span but still 10000 times better than when on the meds! now my daughter thats 15 just dropped outta early collage class's cause she already knows it all!! ex redheads and kids teach us just how lil control we have in life....god bless the kids growing up in these crazy times