Who has kids/grand kids with ADHD?

One of the hardest things your daughter will have to face with ADD kids is other people’s opinions. Many will tell her directly or insinuate that the problem is really her parenting. This includes family, friends, and many other well meaning and not so well meaning people. Most have no experience with ADD or mental health in general. There is a fair amount of that on this thread, I would suspect. This is a horrible burden to inflict on someone who is likely already sinking.

With what we know today, to suggest that ADD / ADHD / OCD and other mental illnesses are just a function of parenting is pretty simplistic. People who have fixed their problems with discipline and structure, haven’t been there. Certainly not for the problem cases. People who haven’t been there don’t understand how it really is.

Sure there are a lot of cases where parenting is an issue. That diagnosis, however, is best left to a trained professional. There are many support groups and resources nation wide.

The best thing you can do for you daughter is to support her and help her find solutions.