Who has kids/grand kids with ADHD?

First let me start by saying I feel for you I have had times Of disconnect with my children that has given me many sleepless nights. There's so many things that could be said on this subject, but I do agree with previous posts removing a good strong male role model from a boy's life is a recipe for disaster. Luckily after my kids went through their judgmental phase they all came back around and things are pretty darn good now they're in their late 20s and early 30s. Sometimes things just get bigger than us and I'm a firm believer in prayer and miracles I wish you the very best.

I could go on a whole bunch more about it... My point is it's just another thing in life... But it's real. You gotta harness that energy and put it in the right direction. And don't ever give up on kids who have it. One day it can all make sense and those kids who have it can have wonderful lives....