69 Notch Barracuda - Rebirth

Haha.. I have no idea if other people save it, but I figured it would add some support anyway!

I finally finished the bottom and back. OMG my hands and arms feel like jello!

luckily my Amazon purchased hog rings came the very next day (today). They weren’t quite the same heavy duty quality that came from classic Industries, but I got 500 in a bag, so I was able to use more than I would have otherwise.

The bottom turned out okay.. it was my first time, so not gonna let it bother me. The listing wire sleeve in the cover was much shorter than the wire (I probably did something wrong, actually), and you can see in the seat where the cover doesn’t get pulled down toward the rear. I think the heavier gauge hog rings made it more difficult to “catch” the “backbone” wire. The seat back went MUCH better, and the wire fit the sleeve perfectly.

I basically followed this video as a helper (there are a few others out on youtube).

Reconstruction - Phase 2
Measure the length of the listing wires that you slid into the sleeves of your cover. If the wires match the length of the sleeve, that’s ideal. The sleeve is the exact length of your cut down through the padding. The sleeve gets inserted down through the padding and the wire/sleeve gets hog ringed to the paper covered wire!

I measured multiple times before cutting. Hopefully your sleeves match up with the paper covered wire on the seat. There are also various guide marks on the surface of the pad.

Next lay your pad on the frame. Hopefully your cuts track well with the paper covered wire on the frame.

Push your cover inside out, then jam the sleeve and listing wire down through the cuts in the foam. Hopefully it all lines up. Next, line up your piping and side to side. Now just try to hog ring down through the cut in the pad and through the sleeve/listing wire and down and around the paper covered wire (or a nearby spring), which will give you the best anchor point, as well as keep you anchoring in a straight line with the hog rings. This can be very difficult, and is where the first bit of exhertion comes in :mad: Try to get 4 or 5 hog rings attaching here.

Cut those long excess listing/piping pieces... and other edges and excesses. You don’t want those poking out from under the finished cover.

Now things ramp up physically. Next, push/stretch hard to get your cover right side out and around the pad and corners. Now line up your piping edges, etc. Now, just hog ring the cover, using the holes in the frame, bars, etc. Try to stretch, massage, grip.. bundle as much burlap, cover material.. as you can when you hog ring. Every few minutes, check to make sure your surface edges are exactly where you want them.

The rear flap hadn’t been hog ringed yet in the finished pic in this section.

I'm supposed to save all that!:mad:

Great write up! I just did the same thing but only on the tear down.....





