A999 Transmission mated to a 73 340 motor

I drove the car around the block and it seems it has some vibration.
Narrow it down- does the vibration occur only when you are driving (moving), or anytime the engine is running (neutral, park)? Does the vibration increase with engine rpm, or does it increase with forward speed? Or is it a constant regardless of forward speed or engine rpm?
The only other problem I have with it is the radiator fan. I had to use a fixed/flex fan because of the lack of space and it is quite noisy, like a jet when it goes over 2000 rpm. I can do an electric fan but I like the security of the mechanical ones.
Nothing wrong with a fixed/mechanical fan- like you say, they can be a bit noisy at times, but with the space limitations in an early A, ya gotta do what you gotta do. I'd be a bit leery with a flex fan though, especially the cheaper ones. Lots of horror stories out there.