Stop in for a drink.

Well, this was an interesting day.

Apparently Johnson & Johnson (yeah, the vaccine guys) are spinning out some of their drug product assets to newly formed companies to develop them.

These new companies need significant Development and Technical expertise to make them viable. Some of them have pleaded back to J&J for help.

It seems that their pleas have resulted in a response from senior J&J management telling them that the guy they need to engage

As a result, I got some fast inquiries which resulted in some calls today with the new companies.

I don’t know who at J&J knows me, or is recommending me (I have had engagement with them at past companies) but I find it interesting that I topped their list.

None of them batted an eye at my $500/hr consulting rate.

Works for me!

Time for some cold beer and consider what this might mean...Cheers!
That's good news and cheers to you.