Throttle valve adjustment

The idea is that as the throttle opens, the line pressure in the transmission increases. The TV cable does that - at WOT, the cable should be fully extended, which puts maximum pressure in the trans. When the carb returns to idle, the cable retracts and pressure is reduced. If it's not adjusted correctly, pressure can be too low and you'll burn the clutches up in a hurry. The issue is that some instructions say to open to WOT, fully extend the cable, and attach the plastic detent at that point, locking it in place with the cable nut. Others say to leave the carb at idle position, make sure the cable adjusting sleeve is fully seated, and attach the detent and lock it in place without extending it. Then, open the throttle to WOT one time, and the adjustment sleeve will automatically extend out to the proper position. Every set of instructions is slightly different. Since I know next to nothing about automatics, I want to get it right.
Supertruck is right. The outer cable needs to be fully retracted in the adjuster (pull the outer cable out of the adjuster as far as it will go) then attach the cable to the carb and with the tab released (locked) fully open the throttle. You should hear a "zip" sound as the it self adjusts. Then you can adjust the cable about one eighth inch at a time in or out to fine tune.This will only work if the brackets and pivot points are correct of course. Oh, and I sure hope you had that thing built or at least had a valve body kit installed. They weren't the toughest trans GM made. I did not like to see one come into the shop lol.