360 Rebuild for 1974 Swinger
Been tuning it up and fixing leaks, etc. Went for a couple of boots down the back roads, nothing over 55mph or 3000RPM lots of RPM changes.
I've never had a Holley 750 DP to tune before, but it seems weird. It has 4 idle mixture screws. Best idle with maximum vacuum has the front 2 screws turned almost all the way in, maybe a 1/16th of a turn out. The back 2 screws are ~1 turn each. Seems a little counterintuitive, but that where the idle is highest and vacuum is 15 and steady.
Question about timing. Running real nicely @ 15 degrees initial and 32 degrees all in @ 2800 RPM. Is there any recommendations based on the cam? It's a mild performance cam. Specs are below;
Cam Type Hydraulic
Exhaust Duration 224 Deg
Exhaust Lift (Inches) .310 in.
Exhaust Valve Lift 1 (Inches) .465 in.
Intake Duration 214 Deg
Intake Lift (Inches) .295 in.
Intake Valve Lift 1 (Inches) .443 in.
Lobe Centerline (Exhaust) 117 Deg
Lobe Centerline (Intake) 107 Deg
Lope Separation 112 Deg
Overlap 61 Deg