Anyone around Pomona? Looking to attempt a 1,600mi road trip in a D100

Thanks!! Hadn't thought of this... sounds like great advise!!

Don't ask how I know, '85 chev van that sat for many years. Florida to Mn roadtrip home.

Let's just say I found a lot of parts stores along the way, did work in parking lots, added secondary fuel filters, stalled out on a mountain overpass . . had to pull the carb apart to clean the sediment out of it multiple times.

Finally made it back to Minnesota without having to be towed in. Girlfriend that was with me put up with a lot, she said a month later: I was impressed you were able to get that Van back home.

All 4 tires were well separated and bulging out in multiple places, lucky they did not blow. Put 4 new on back home.

Go have yourself a great time !!!