Another Boggie One

As far as using the timing port as an indicator of whether the throttle blades are open too much at idle rpm, that sounds reasonable. However I would not count on that. The carb could have a long t-slot on the primary side or a timing port that is well above .035 or .040" exposure.

This from the Urich and Fisher Holley Carburetor book illustrating the importance of correct throttle relation to t-slot .
(Link in this post: Carb knowledge help needed)

The conditions where too much or too little t-slot is exposed are circled.
I crossed out the idling characteristic that may not apply especially with a four corner. With 4 corner idle, you've roughly doubled the potential fuel delivery at idle.

Adding holes or filing the throttle blades are traditional correctives, but should only be done if needed after other tuning (timing and air adjustment).