Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning c\_/. Got one of those "Is it good luck or bad luck?" situations. Wife has a sister than lives in Texas (about 200 miles away) and a twin brother that lives in the low country of SC (about 300 miles away). They haven't all been together since the oldest sister passed away about 8 years ago. So the Texas sister and husband arrive at our local airport about 6 tomorrow evening. Ofcourse the twin brother and his wife will drive up, be here by 10:00. Much more extended family arrive Friday or Saturday. At this point I really dont know how many tents and campers will be in my back yard. Anyway... The wife and I have put off going for a covid shot but decided that we should geter done. Two grocery store pharmacies put us on a waiting list. I called the doctors office yesterday morning and was told "Both of you be here at 1:00 Tuesday. We have the Johnson and Johnson single shot." Turned on the TV this morning to learn that distribution of the J&J shot has been suspended. First thought was GRRRRR. First c\_/ and second thought, Certainly dont want wife to get a blood clot. Oh well, I did get to see the pic A56 posted above :) Yall have a great day
Red, I agree wouldn't want anything to happen to my bride either. I wonder though, the clots have occurred with six women out of 6.8 million J&J doses given. A common with them is they had low blood platelets. I hope they figure it out soon. Underlying conditions reactions occur with any vaccine.