another not charging thread

Here's an example:
Lets say at the alternator positive post is 13.5 Volts and the the voltage at the battery positive is 13.0Volts.
Now measure the voltage between the alternator positve and the battery positive.
Since the difference is 0.5 Volts Now we can expect the problem is in the positive wiring not the ground wiring.

Lets take this example further.
Lets say the battery is very low, and the most power the alternator can produce at idle speed is 460 Watts
In that case what might be happening is the alternator is struggling to provide the battery all of what it wants.
So instead of providing power at 14 Volts, the alternator struggles and proivides power at a little lower voltage. This reduces demand a little. Result is alternator output of 34 amps at 13.5 Volts (which is 459 Watts)

Resistance to that 34 amps through the R6 wire, especially at the firewall, and resistances to the 30 amps flowing from the main splice to the battery show up as a voltage drop.