340 swinger cherry on top

Nice looking car. The color comes across as Citron Yella, at least on my computer.
Yes in the sunlight it always photographs a little bit yellower but it is sublime. A funny thing about that PPG paint is it really picks up on whatever color spectrum of light is being shown on it under fluorescence it's very much bluer and in the sun it really picks up on the yellows I really like it.
What % tint is that? Looks about right, doesn’t have the blacked out “gangster” look.
Sorry I can't remember what he told me it's about two or three shades darker than what is legal in the area but because it's a classic car they don't seem to care to much around here.
are you missing a trim strip on the hood?
yes, good eye, the front trim piece is not on the hood. It seems to be a bit of a unicorn part mine was pretty rough. if I can find a new one I may replace it but I kind of like it the way it is.