Joplin Missouri ?

Here in rural Tx it costs me $75/hr for an independent garage. Back in Mo. it costs me $40 Her 10 ac here in the sticks but still in driving distance to Houston ( like 60mi), it will cost you $100,000-150,000 bare worth less ground IF you can find a for sale. Back in Mo, in the sticks it would cost more like $30,000. Closer to Joplin, maybe a little more.
Electric bill here is $120 a mnth, back home it was $45. Everything is relative.
Have a flat side the road in Mo. someone will stop an ask if you need help, especially if you are old or a woman, maybe they do that in Vegas.

Main point of story- everything cheaper in Missouri.

No one will stop in vegas if you have a flat, you probably are better off not having random people here stop though.