360 does not seem to be making power and is slow in the 1/8. Need help and/or suggestions

In my streeter, I ran that 292/292/108 Mopar for one summer, and couldn't get rid of it fast enough. It was not happy with the 3.55s I was trying to make work. Even at 11.3Scr with OOTB Eddies, and a clutch, I was not impressed with the bottom end. At 9.9 I can't see the bottom end as anything but disappointing. The Rs need to get up around 3500 before that 292 wakes up, and she doesn't pull hard until over 5000. I Revved mine out to 7000 before I could tell it was sliding down the back of the curve.
During the engine planning stage, I had anticipated this, and built to an Scr that I was pretty sure was adjustable enough to work with less cam, so after I pulled it, in went a 223@ .050 which was infinity more friendly to my 3.55s. After that cam died I switched to a [email protected], which gave up a lotta bottom end to get only a lil topend. All three cams had the compression adjusted to run right around 180psi, and the Q to run in the low to mid .030s .. As I said, in a manual-trans streeter. None of these had problems with bottom-end, lol.
When the Wallace Calculator came on line, I ran all three combos thru it and the V/P numbers helped me understand what I was feeling behind the wheel. I cannot vouch for their ultmate accuracy, but in my experience the numbers mirror my feelings.
Read about V/P here;
V/P Index Calculation

Because I had so much Scr to play with, I moved that Mopar 292/108
from 4advanced to 8advanced, to 4retarded, and finally to 2advanced,
where I thought it did about the best. But in none of it's travels did that cam like my 3.55s. It was fine with 4.30s, but there was no way I was gonna run them full-time. That was a very busy summer.