493 carburetor tuning question

Took the time today to measure the Tslot and how many turns from closed I should be at. Also looked at my accelerator pump cam but I need some help determining which one it is cause I'm color blind... see attached. Here are my notes from today. Let me know if I'm on the right track or not. One thing that confused me was at one point my advance dropped significantly for no reason. I set it to
20 degrees and without changing anything ot moved to 9 degrees and yes my distributor was tight. I had to loosen it to reset it and as soon as I moved it the slightest bit timing jumped up to 30 degrees and I had to bring it back to 20. Not sure what the deal with that was but anyway here are my notes for the day...

.020 Tslot is 1 turn
.040 Tslot is 1.5 turns
Idle screws should be between 1 and 2 turns
Timing: 20° at 700, 23° at 950, total Timing 39°
Current throttle position: 1.5 turns from closed
Idle 950
Idle screws are 1 turn out
Timing: 13° at 850 20° at 970
Current throttle position 1.25 turns from closed
Idle 850
Idle screws 1 turn out
Bogs but better
Timing : 20 at 720, 19 at 950
Current throttle position 1 turn from closed
Idle 720
Idle screws 1 turn out
Bog less so far
Add 2 degrees Timing to last iteration (22)
Bog is worse
Go to 18 degrees
Idle 680
Bog about same as at 20 degrees so going back
Timing : 20 at 720, 19 at 920
Current throttle position 1 turn from closed
Idle 500
Idle screws 1.25 turn out
Bog is almost gone but Idle is very low
Turn throttle to 1.25 turns
Idle 700
Least bog so far but Idle dropped to 600
Timing moved to 9 at 600????
Timing : 20 at 720, 19 at 920
Current throttle position 1 turn from closed
Idle 500
Idle screws 1.25 turn out
Bog present but not bad
