Anyone running a 904 behind a 340?

Well, I recently had the 904 I have rebuilt (Fresno) and asked the owner of the trans shop to install a shift kit. He said he does that anyway, so I just got his "regular" rebuild. It seems to shift very smoothly and very quickly, which I like. The strange thing about the rebuild is the shop gives 3 years or 50,000 mile warranty, which for me is unheard of (i expected something like a 6 month warranty).

Anyway, when I put together the "stockish" 340 I need to rebuild, it will replace the stock '72 318 which is in the car now with the 904. I guess the 340 will go in just the same as the 318, except for one of the motor mount brackets and one of the transmission to engine braces.
Many are 12 month or 12k.

Where did you go?