Value of 67 Cuda 273/235 no.s matching engine
Some things you could do to increase the sellability of the engine is to clean it good.
Also get the date and other codes off the driver's side front of the block just under the head.
Lots of photos.
To a collector doing an OE restoration might need a 67 273 commando engine. And because there are no "numbers matching" numbers stamped into the block on 67s the date the engine was assembled is the only thing to link the engine to a car, (ie, car built in 2/67 might have an engine assembled in 12/66 to 1/67, maybe even 2/67)
So a restorer, with a late 67 car would be looking far an early 67 build date on the engine.
If the engine has not been bored it is more valuable.
If it will run a bit more valuable, but ultimately $1000,00 probably the max you could expect to get and that would take awhile to sell,maybe even a year.
$600.00 sell in 6 months,
$300.00 might sell in a month. I think you see where I am going here.