My cat decided to tickle my toes!!

Where's ALF when you need him?

On a side note, you ever seen the episode where they go camping?
Willy (was that the dad's name?) wakes up in the morning and they cand find Alf
Around noon he comes walking in and it turns out he went out to go fishing

fishing? Willy says, I thought you didn't like fish?
to which Alf replies something like, no, I don't like salmon, but I love catfish

I never know when his "hunger" survival instincts will kick in!!:realcrazy::realcrazy::elmer:

No kidding
A couple in the next town over had a pet raccoon
And I really don't know if they had the raccoon first or the baby
But one day they are over at thier neighbors, and left the baby asleep at the house
(I wanna say they had brought a monitor, but that sounds a little too much like an urban legend)

At any rate, when they got home, they had found the pet raccoon had tried to eat the baby

I don't recall the amount of surgery it took to get the babies face right again, but I believe it was in the double digits

And that was a 15 pound raccoon, I can't imagine the damage that cat could do

(And just to show I didn't make all that up...a "recent" article on the girl)
Baby girl mauled by raccoon in Ravenna, now 10, nearing reconstructive surgery