Got hit in my dart

I handle over 3 million dollars a year in auto related insurance claims. Not all states are the same obviously. Wisconsin after an accident you can't even collect the other parties insurance card. The police won't allow you to be in contact with the other party. Also insurance rates vary from different companies. Some raise them based off of your history, some base them off of a certain geographical volumn. Never once in my life have I seen an insurance premium go down. The replacement value of your vehicle depreciates daily but your premium stays the same or goes up. Makes sense. I battle DAILY with these rip off insurance companies who force body shops to repair a car the way THEY want you to... which is in their best interest. I currently have a Usaa claim in my shop and they have cut our estimate by 25% flat out refusing to pay for operations necessary to repair someone's car. Be hopeful you have a shop that likes working for free, doesn't know they are working for free or is so desperate for work they work for free. And be thankful you don't find the shop that takes what they get and does a half *** job so they can be profitable.
These bodyshops did that to themselves when they first let the insurance company take control. My old employer fought it tooth and nail and it just about killed us while all of the other shops were crawling into bed with the insurance companies. Some of them got a hell of a boost in labor rates when the insurance companies come up with the "prevailing rate". That was the beginning of it all. Stand Firm did a survey of the bodyshops rates and took an average in the areas and established a prevailing rate. Then they started steering work to the preferred providers. Then they started demanding concessions to stay on their program. Illegal as hell and still is today. Getting off subject here a little but if you want some heavy reading, search "1963 consent decree".