Got hit in my dart

The biggest issue I can see is determining the value of the Dart. Insurance companies are not in the habit of paying for more than what is determined to be the value of the vehicle. We all know that car is worth a lot more than $4200 but does the insurance company?
What I'm wondering is if this money is for "repairs" or are they determining it a total loss with no more monies to be had which would be settling the claim.

Every insurance policy has a appraisal clause built in. That is you can evoke the appraisal clause and typically the insurance company and yourself will need to get the car appraised by a professional appraiser. Or you can let the insurance company hire someone ang just go off that number. The only problem is you are now bound by that value. The good news is everytime we did that on a classic the car would not total. I eventually just looked at the classic car values on NADA and went with those. Only totaled a classic if it was way beyond salvageable.