Got hit in my dart

Every insurance policy has a appraisal clause built in. That is you can evoke the appraisal clause and typically the insurance company and yourself will need to get the car appraised by a professional appraiser. Or you can let the insurance company hire someone ang just go off that number. The only problem is you are now bound by that value. The good news is everytime we did that on a classic the car would not total. I eventually just looked at the classic car values on NADA and went with those. Only totaled a classic if it was way beyond salvageable.

When my 72 340 TX9 car got totaled in 87 my insurance was with Geico.... Not my fault and they actually got involved and got the payment amount increased by a grand. You and dumb I knew nothing and my parents picked the fight for me.....

Fast forward to about 1991 when a truck I owned was stolen and cleaned like a plate full of Crab legs (stereo, cell, etc.) GEICO accused me of actually staging the theft. It just goes to show if you end up with the right person things can go right but if you end up with something things can do in a different direction. GEICO did make good on the claim and immediately cancelled my policy. Whatever with that crap but it taught me how insurance works....

Trust none of them!